Third Culture Kids

Third culture kids (TCK) are often referred to „as children who were raised in a culture outside of their parents’ culture for a considerable portion of their development years.“

Third culture kids (TCK) are often referred to children who were raised in a culture outside of their parents’ culture for a considerable portion of their development years. Never underestimate the difficulty for children adjusting to their new environment abroad. Unlike adults, children haven’t developed self-identities and cultural values firmly in place. These will make them more open to cultural influences and more vulnerable to social interactions.

However, scientific research has proven that expat children are excellent communicators. Thanks to the exposure to different religions and traditions, they also have more opportunities for communicating as they will learn about different cultures and values.

Expat parents can encourage children to develop an expanded worldview. Though being raised in a foreign culture brings in diverse expectations and behaviours, the open-mindedness and adaptability are the positives when growing up overseas.

I will help you:

  • finding a sense of belonging and home for you and your family
  • finding ways of how to build a familial social structure system
  • stop second-guessing yourself and your parenting skills while at the same time raising your self-confidence
  • lowering your stress level
  • feeling less guilty

For more information about TCKs…

… drop me a few lines about your needs.

Third Culture Kids

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