
Having lived across Europe myself, being an accompanying spouse, and …

… being a mother of three active daughters, I understand the challenges of being abroad and recognizes the on-going journey of balancing the multiple roles we play in our lives, without losing sight of our own needs and dreams.

And besides this, I am making the most out of what Sweden’s nature provides together with my family including a dog.

Get in touch with me »

Working With Companies

I will be the sparring partner for your executives, a trainer of intercultural competencies for your teams, and the coach for your top talents working in an international context.

„The impact a coach can have within an organization can mean the difference between someone just showing up for work and working with a purpose!“ 

Working With Expat Partners

To make your next international assignment a real success for you and your family, I am accompanying you while you work with different cultures in and outside your team.

We will have a closer look at the different cultures you’re working with and how to turn the sometimes unexpected challenges into great gifts for you.
Remember: You are good at what you do, yet your challenges are non-stop.


Re-Patriation is at least as important as patriation.

Experience shows that when repatriation fails there is a high possibility that the employees are going to resign.

That this doesn’t happen, I’m here to support you and guide you through the various stages.

Working With Accompanying Partners

To make your next international assignment a real success for you and your family, I’m helping you with how to integrate into the new culture and way of living of your new host country. We will identify your stage in the so-called culture shock curve (see picture aside) and will use various tools to help you find your way through the expat jungle, such as:

  • Wheel of Life
  • MBTI
  • Strength finder
  • Saboteurs

ESIP (Expat Spouse Integration Program)

(Click image to enlarge)

Do you know…?
… what the number one reason for failed international assignments is?

It’s the Spouse’s Dissatisfaction!

While the number of people living abroad has grown steadily over the past decade – and will continue to increase as more people become interested in finding a job abroad – research shows that the number one reason foreign assignments fail is due to the spouse’s dissatisfaction.

How I help you to avoid this.

By integrating the Expat Partner!

The success of an international assignment often rests on how well the expatriate partner integrates into the new culture and way of life. As the number of expatriates and cross-border hires increases, there is a growing concern that not enough is being done to support their partners – both female and male – to avoid a failed assignment and a costly return. 

“I have a Master degree; I could do the same job my husband is doing, earn big money and be away from home 70 hours a week and travel all over the world,”

says Cornelia Asanger-Lexa, an Austrian now living in Sweden with her German husband and three children.

“But we have decided as a unit that the only way our kids’ lives will be normal through all these moves is for somebody to be at home and be the stabilizing force. Every time you move, you have to be a team.”

Interested in a coaching program?

Drop me a few lines about your needs and ….


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