I am passionate about empowering individuals to grow both personally and professionally.

It was my friend who said it first.
She said, Cornelia, you should be a coach – I laughed – Then others said the same thing.
Don’t be kidding, I said. I want a serious profession, coaching is just some silly fad – it’s a fashion. It’s not rigorous, it’s not serious. In truth, there are a lot of coaches out there that aren’t serious. That aren’t rigorous, that don’t take their training or their practice seriously. And I do take my training, my practice and my reputation seriously!
So I began to explore.
And another thought I had:
It’s something for more outgoing people – not Introverts like me. In fact I loved listening to people’s problems more than telling them about my life. Already in school I was the one the other kids came to tell them when something wasn’t right or bothering them and this continued up to now … And trust and is one of my biggest values! Isn’t there any better reward you can get by living your life toy our fullest purpose?
Deeply listening was since always one of my biggest strengths – and this is what supported me most: Being an Introvert helped building my profession!
And I’ll never forget the first time I experienced
really powerful coaching. It was outstanding, powerful
and actually, I was blown away.
I realized that I had been sabotaging myself by letting a very old story about my Introvertedness and not being “good enough” influence my decision making. It was a real eye opener.
Coaching really can be that powerful.
I couldn’t believe it.
And that was just the start. Within 3 months I had become clear, chosen a path, set up a business and even had my first few clients.
My early career started in the banking sector with Blue chip companies such as Citibank and Commerzbank in Finance and HR and finally for consulting companies such as Roland Berger and FJA (now msg).
As a consultant I told you how to make the changes that would improve your business, your leadership skills and/or your life. Now as a coach, I ask the questions that get you to find the answers for yourself that improve your business, your leadership skills and/or your life.
Now, if you’ve been around for a while, you know that I always talk about the power of your mind. Having the right mind-set and pursuing your own path. And today I am living in Sweden, enjoying my one-on-one sessions all over the world with clients like you and doing workshops for schools, multinational companies and NGO’s.